1. Die scharfe Fremde

    Datum: 01.07.2023, Kategorien: Voyeurismus / Exhibitionismus Autor: Anonym

    ... upset you. Please forgive me."
    "Ok," I said.
    "Then we're still friends?" she asked.
    "You'll always be my friend."
    "Can I ask you just one thing?"
    "Did you get an erection looking at me?" she asked.
    "I just want to know, that's all..."
    I looked down, and then up into her eyes and said,
    "Yes. I'm sorry."
    Cindy smiled and said, "Thank you."
    "Well, I was starting to think guys don't find me
    "Well, maybe its because we are together and they're
    just showing you respect; because people that don't
    know us think I'm your boy friend."
    "Yeah that could be the reason."
    I said, "I need to relax and all this talking about you
    being naked isn't helping."
    She was sitting, and I was lying on my stomach. Cindy
    turned and lay on her stomach. She was lying next to
    me, and I could feel the heat from her body. It felt
    nice, but wasn't helping my erection any.
    "Ok," she said, "we will just enjoy ourselves. It's a
    beautiful day."
    Finally I was back to normal, and I tried lying on my
    side. Cindy sat up while we were talking.
    When this beautiful, tall, naked, tanned woman came
    walking onto the beach, I couldn't help but stare at
    her. She was breath-taking. Cindy was talking, but I
    was like in a fog. All I could see was this woman and
    she was walking right over to us. I was lying on my
    side and exposed to her. I had gotten an erection again
    and didn't even think ...
    ... to roll over onto my stomach.
    She walked up to us and sat in the sand facing me, with
    her legs crossed in front of her. I looked right at her
    beautiful tanned body. She had light, sun-bleached
    blonde hair, the brightest blue eyes, and a beautiful
    smile. I couldn't help but look at her. Her breasts
    were large and firm; the sun had turned her nipples to
    a darker shade. Her thin waist looked even thinner
    because of the flare of her hips. I couldn't keep my
    eyes from her pubic area; she had shaved all her hair
    off. I was looking at her pussy and her pussy lips
    protruded, and I could see the skin that was hiding her
    clit. The way she was sitting, her lips were spread and
    I could see the dark red flesh of the inside of her
    pussy. I groaned and she just smiled at me. I couldn't
    take my eyes away from her pussy.
    As I looked at her, she knew were I was looking and she
    returned her gaze to my erection. She had such a sexy
    look on her face, I felt my erection start to throb and
    the feeling only grew stronger the longer we looked a
    one another. Cindy was sitting there and watched all
    that was going on, but never said a word to me or to
    the woman. The throbbing was getting much stronger and
    I felt that if I didn't roll onto my stomach and look
    away that I would start to cum.
    The women just talked about the day, and how wonderful
    it was to be sitting in the sand and feel the sun
    shining down on us, and the cool ...