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    Datum: 06.10.2023, Kategorien: Voyeurismus / Exhibitionismus Autor: Anonym

    About a month ago I received a letter from a college
    fraternity brother of mine. I hadn't seen Stan since grad-
    uation three years before. Stan was trying to get a group of
    us together to meet for the first football game of the sea-
    son. He had settled down in the town where our university
    was located while most of the rest of our click had moved
    away. The plan was to go to the game and then to the old
    frat house afterwards. We'd finish off the night back a
    Stan's place.
    I looked forward to the visit. I wanted to see my
    buddies, but I also wanted my buddies to see my new bride
    Kathy. Now, I'm not what you'd call a good looking guy.
    During college I didn't have many dates and the ones I did
    have weren't interested in a second date.
    Well, since college I met Kathy. I'll never under-
    stand why she was attracted to me. Of course, I smother
    her with affection and devotion. She's the type of woman
    who values what's inside not what's outside. The irony is
    that she could have had any man she wanted. You see. Kathy
    is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. To top it off,
    she has the sweetest personality of any woman I have ever
    known. I'm not just saying that because she is my wife.
    Kathy stands 5'9" inches tall and weighs 120 pounds.
    Her hair is long, silky and naturally light blond. She wears
    it parted down the middle. It's a simple look, but with her
    perfect angel face any styling is unnecessary. Her ...
    ... eyes are
    sparkling deep blue and her skin is baby smooth without a
    blemish to be found. She sports a beautiful tan and keeps
    herself in shape with aerobics. I have tried to get Kathy to tell me her measure-
    ments. She shyly tells me she doesn't know. I think she is
    embarrassed for some reason. By my eye she measures 38DD-23-
    36. I'm guessing at her waist and hips. I am certain about
    her bust, however. I've sneaked looks at her underwear. You
    may wonder why a fox like Kathy wouldn't be full of herself
    or why she would marry a toad like me.
    We had many things in common and became
    friends before developing a relationship. We continued to
    have a good time with each other and finally decided to get
    married. We were both virgins when we met and decided to
    stay that way until after the wedding. Kathy was never on
    the pill and we decided that she would stay off it. We were
    eager to start a family.
    Needless to say our two months of marriage have been
    wonderful. We both enjoy sex, although we are a bit naive.
    So far we haven't ventured beyond strait missionary inter-
    course. I want to do a little experimenting, but Kathy wants
    to go slowly. I'm not in any hurry, anyway. As it is, Kathy
    is a handful. Although shy and reserved, she heats up fast.
    It must be all those years as an ugly duckling. Her pent
    up passions are very close to the surface. All she needs is
    a little rubbing here or there and a passionate kiss and ...