1. Nackt im Krankenhaus

    Datum: 02.11.2019, Kategorien: Schamsituation Autor: Anonym

    ... Leila returned, blushing prettily as she walked past the pool players.
    She sat back down between the two of them and finished her story. She noticed that David's eyes lit up when she told about the little boy calling out, which of course he had not witnessed, and saw how both of them smiled when she related her goosing on the street corner.
    Cyndi decided she should make a quick turn around the bar to check on the customers, and when she left, Leila leaned against David. "I still can't believe I am doing this," she muttered as she snuggled against his side. "I should be terrified, but you have been so sweet to me, you make me feel very safe, even though I also feel so vulnerable."
    She felt his arm curl round her shoulder, as he chuckled, "I hope that's meant as a compliment to my restraint, and not a slur on my manhood."
    "Oh, a compliment. Any woman could tell you have feelings, but you never acted on them."
    "Just wait until sundown, little girl." His eyebrows did a poor Groucho Marx impression, and Leila giggled and leaned back into his arm.
    Wanting to turn the conversation to safer grounds, she made a few comments on the four pool players' style as they finished their game. Cyndi returned in time to hear the last whispered comment. Leila had kept her criticisms very quiet, as she didn't want to upset the men. She leaned over the back of the booth and murmured, "Do you play?" in Leila's ear.
    Leila jumped, as she had not noticed the other girl's ...
    ... approach. "Yes. Or rather, I did in college. I found it excellent relaxation. A lot of my practice was at exam time. If I needed a short break in a long study session I would slip down to the table in the dorm games room and run a few balls. About the only thing to do there after midnight. I got pretty good, after a while."
    "Let's see how well you can play. I challenge you to a game."
    "Not like this. Not in front of these men."
    "If you win, I'll loan you my skirt to get back to the doctor's office in. David can bring it back to me once you're there."
    "O.K. One game of eight-ball. Wait - what if I lose?"
    "Nothing too serious,. You just have to play one, no, two more games before you leave - no additional stakes."
    "Done." Leila knew she was pretty good. She strode over and selected a cue. They flipped for break, and it fell to her. Two balls were pocketed off the break; Leila took high, and then she got a second.As she walked around the table selecting her next shot, she realized that all the men in the bar - about a dozen - had moved over to the tables nearest the pool table. She blushed to think of the show she must be giving them, her buttocks taut, as she leaned over the table, her pussy peeking out between her legs. She shivered as she lined up her next shot. Maybe this was what did it, but the next ball missed the pocket.
    "Too bad", grinned Cyndi and proceeded to pocket ball after ball. Leila stood beside the table, trying to concetrate on Cyndi's form, but ...