1. Nackt im Krankenhaus

    Datum: 02.11.2019, Kategorien: Schamsituation Autor: Anonym

    ... street, even with so few people around. The fear that had dominated her feelings when she was walking through the noon crowd was replaced by arousal. The stares of the passersby did give her a feeling of humiliation, but the arousal seemed to overpower it. She slipped her arm around David's waist and sighed gratefully as he put his arm round her shoulder. Again the mixed feelings, humiliation and arousal at her nudity, pride and gratitude that he was still with her. If only she weren't so short. Being barefoot made it worse than ever. With her small breasts and brown hair, she could never attract him. He was so sweet to her, yet he hadn't been weak. A wolf-whistle shattered her reverie. They had stopped at the lights, and a couple of teenagers were waiting on the other side. They were pointing and whistling.
    She shivered, and felt David's hand clasp her shoulder. "It's only a couple of youngsters. You're doing fine." That encouragement made her stand tall and stride proudly across the street. In no time at all they were entering the building, and she was safe again.
    The guard looked up from the desk and started to rise, but David just nodded at him. "Her clothes got locked in upstairs. Didn't you see us go out at noon?" The guard smiled and nodded, and David continued straight on to the elevator, Leila still holding his waist.
    As soon as they stepped into the elevator, Leila swung round and just clasped David to her as hard as she could. She felt something hard ...
    ... pressing against her lower stomach as she gasped, "Oh God! I was sure he was going to arrest me. I almost fainted."
    David reached out and pressed the 10th floor button, then hugged her to him. "Don't worry, it's all over. You just need to get your blood taken and then you can go home and relax."
    They reached Doctor Hillock's clinic and stepped into the waiting room. Seven people were sitting there, all young men. They gazed at this naked apparition in amazement. They could understand a naked person coming out of the examination rooms by accident, but how could one be coming into the clinic already naked?
    Maria was just guiding an older patient from the examination rooms to the door. "Leila! I thought you had finished and gone!" she cried out. "What happened?"
    "I was still in x-ray when you left. Luckily David was still here when I got back, but the door had already locked. Now, could I please..." She was about to say "get my clothes" when Maria interrupted.
    "Get the blood samples taken, yes, of course, at once. We're a bit backed up, as we just got back five minutes ago, but we'll do you next. Just come this... Is that alcohol? Did you have something to drink?"
    "Just a couple of beer with lunch. Three actually."
    "Oh dear. Alcohol enters the blood immediately. I'd better check on this first. Sit down here, I'll be right back. Mr. Gomez!" She led one of the young men back into the examination room.
    "I've got to get back to work too. I really don't want to ...