1. Nackt im Krankenhaus

    Datum: 02.11.2019, Kategorien: Schamsituation Autor: Anonym

    ... even when she lay on her back.
    Ken had finished the adjustments to the machine, gave her the customary warning to stay perfectly still, and strode out of the room. The machine buzzed, and Ken returned. He asked her to wait there while they developed the film so they would be sure there were no problems with it.
    As she lay on that icy table, she wondered what else could happen to her. The lab seemed surprisingly quiet; she couldn't hear any chatter or anyone moving about. Just once she heard a phone ring in another room.
    She didn't hear Ken answer that phone. "Hello... Yes, Maria... Only you and Dave are left... Yes the x-ray is complete and OK... Right, I will send her up in five minutes exactly."
    Leila couldn't believe she was actually dozing off slightly when Ken re-entered the room.
    "Everything's A-OK," he grinned, as he picked up the lead cover. "You can go back up now."
    "But I can't take the elevator like this," she whispered.
    "Sure you can," he answered. "It's just noon, everyone is going out and the up elevator will be empty. Come along now, we're closing up."
    Reluctantly, she got down from the table and walked with him out to the waiting room. The other technician was hanging a "Closed for the day" sign on the door. Together the three of them walked out of the lab, which Ken carefully locked, and they pressed the buttons for the elevators. The first to arrive was going down, and the two technicians got on with a quick "bye" to her.
    This ...
    ... was the first time she had been alone in the public areas, and a wave of fear washed over her, followed by an intense sexual feeling. Her nipples were harder than ever, and she was becoming extremely wet down below. The elevator arrived with the loudest "ding" she had ever heard, and she stepped aboard, trembling. Fortunately, the elevator was empty, and she pressed '10'. A moment later the doors opened and she stepped out onto the 10th floor.
    As she stepped forward, feeling more naked than ever, she saw someone step out of a doorway, pull the door to and check to see it had locked. She realized in a moment that it was David leaving the doctor's office. As she strode toward him, she saw a look of amazement on his face.
    "What are you doing here, Leila? I thought you had left."
    "No, I'm just back for my blood tests... and my clothes."
    She slipped past him to the office and saw a large handwritten sign on the door:
    Closed for lunch. Back at 2 p.m.
    Leila couldn't believe her eyes. She was locked out, naked.
    "One of the girls in the x-ray lab just got engaged, and they and most of the other offices are holding a big lunch for her," David explained. "Had I known you were still here. I wouldn't have locked the office. Everyone left about ten minutes ago. They were all very excited and you must have just slipped their minds."
    Her legs felt rubbery. Two whole hours. She put an arm out and David grabbed it to steady her. She leaned against him and whispered, "I ...