1. Nackt im Krankenhaus

    Datum: 02.11.2019, Kategorien: Schamsituation Autor: Anonym

    ... more.
    She walked briskly across to the revolving door, trying to look as though it was totally normal for an absolutely naked woman to be walking around the city. Then it was through the door and out onto the entrance steps. The street was filled with cars, and the sidewalk a steady stream of pedestrians.
    She tried to pull herself together, but somehow being the only naked person in such a huge crowd was even more intimidating than she had imagined. She reached over and took David's hand, feeling like a little girl, searching for the safety of her parent's strength. She felt David give her hand a gentle squeeze, and heard him whisper "Courage". Then another whisper: "To your right, Leila. The sooner we get moving, the sooner you'll be off the street."
    She stepped down the three stairs, then turned right merging with the flow of pedestrians. She watched as person after person noticed that a nude woman was walking down a major street at high. Some (mainly men) looked pleased at the sight, some (mainly women) looked horrified, but the most common reaction was the classic doubletake. Several people brushed against her as they went by, and she jumped every time.
    They went straight over the cross street at the lights, then stopped, waiting for the light to change. This wait seemed to last forever, as she was now surrounded and felt even more vulnerable than on the open sidewalk. Just as the light changed she felt two hands pinch her bum, and gave a loud squeal, then ...
    ... blushed even deeper as every eye in the crowd stared even harder at her.
    Once across the street, then further along the road. She could not believe how long the blocks were, miles it seemed. Suddenly David guided her to a large wooden door. He opened it, and she stepped through, then through another door, and into the bar.
    Leila looked around the large, dim-lit room. She estimated fifty men were sitting at various tables, eating and, worse, drinking. She heard the murmurs as those who were facing the door told their friends who were facing away. Head after head swivelled around to gaze at her firm young body. She shivered again, feeling the heat of one hundred eyes staring at her.
    A large man wearing a white shirt and black jacket walked over to them from the bar. "The bouncer," thought Leila. "I hope he doesn't throw me out. I could never last the full two hours on the streets."
    "What's going on here?" rumbled the bouncer.
    "Hi, Harold," she heard David say from behind her. She had let go his hand when she walked through the doors and hadn't known exactly where he was. "This is Leila, a friend of mine. She didn't plan on wearing her birthday suit today, but believe it or not, she got locked out of her doctor's office without her clothes, and they've all gone for lunch. I figured that if she came here, you guys wouldn't be freaked out, and would let us stay 'til her doctor returns."
    "I dunno about that," laughed Harold. "About us not being freaked out, I mean.We ...