1. Karen Naked in school (Part 4)

    Datum: 24.02.2019, Kategorien: Schamsituation Autor: Anonym

    ... stammered.
    He smiled. "Turn around," he said.
    I did so, and stood looking over the rest of the class. Several of the girls were chained or tied to rings along the wall, being felt or kissed. Maggie was wearing the nipple clamps Miss Hooker had put on me the day before, and was hurting, writhing helplessly.
    WHACK! I yelped, "OUCH!" and started to turn around.
    "I didn't say you could turn," Fred told me. "Stay still." I did so, and he whapped me again, hard. "OWOWWOWOW!" I wailed, struggling to keep my hands out of the way, and to stay still. He whapped me one more time, and I sobbed helplessly. "That hurts, that hurts!"
    "That's what you get for not making a choice," Fred told me. "No, I'm not asking you to make one now. It's too late for that now."
    I rubbed my behind for a minute. Fred grabbed me by the wrists and tied me to a ring on the ceiling, with my hands high over my head. He fingered my nipples, then pinched them hard, and I gasped.
    "Please, please stop!" I begged wildly. "That hurts, it hurts!"
    He shrugged. "Think of it as a novelty," he advised me. He stepped back over to the table, and picked up a small whip. I watched helplessly as he brought it over to me, then turned me around and stroked me across the back with it. Then across my buttocks, then my back again. I couldn't even yell. I gasped helplessly, then finally caught my breath and took several hard panting breaths.
    "Are you having a nice time?" Miss Hooker asked, ...
    ... smiling.
    "Sure, this is great!" Fred told her, chuckling. "We're really enjoying it. Aren't we, Karen?"
    I managed to nod.
    She laughed. "Good. There's still plenty of time left, so try everything you like."
    "We will. Thanks!"
    She left, and Fred patted my buttocks firmly. "Does that still hurt?" he asked me conversationally.
    "A little," I sniffled.
    He chuckled, and went back to the table again. I watched him put the whip back, then he came back with a bar of some kind, and some laces. He moved behind me, then I felt my feet being tied to it, set wide apart. He turned me around. "I thought I might like to feel your pussy," he told me. "Would you like that?"
    "Yes, please!" I said as eagerly and cooperatively as I could manage. It surely sounded a lot better than being whipped!
    He roughly probed his fingers into me. "Karen, you horny slut, you're all wet inside. Did you know that?" he asked, grinning.
    "I'm horny!" I admitted, blushing hard.
    "You must like being treated a little roughly. Is this the first time you've had this kind of stuff done to you?"
    "Not... exactly," I admitted, "but you're the first one who's ever been this rough with me!" I smiled at him.
    "Maybe if you come over to my house sometime, leave your clothes on the porch, and beg me on your hands and knees to do it more, I'll let you feel like this again. Maybe all night."
    "I'll look forward to it!" I said eagerly. I imagined myself doing it just as he'd said, and shivered with an intense ...