1. Karen Naked in school (Part 4)

    Datum: 24.02.2019, Kategorien: Schamsituation Autor: Anonym

    ... told me to resume what I'd been doing. I yelled and did so, coming hard... but then yelled even louder from the pain as one of them firmly shoved his cock into my ass.
    "Don't stop!" I heard a guy say in a commanding voice. Gasping and groaning, I continued having sex with the guy on the couch. While I did, the person behind me continued forcing himself into and out of me from behind.
    It didn't last for long, but was an amazing mixture of intense pleasure and intense pain while it did last. I don't know all of what happened to me, or who was involved.
    At some point, I was slumped against the couch on my knees. "It's over, Karen," one of the guys told me. "Come on, you have to get to school! You should take a shower first, though."
    "What time is it?" I asked.
    It was about 9:45; I had 20 minutes to get to school. He helped me to my feet and I found it was Jack who had spoken.
    "Are you all right?" he asked me, a little anxiously.
    "Oh, sure!" I smiled at him. "It was... quite an experience," I said.
    "Come on and get in the shower," he urged me, and I hurried to the bathroom. I showered hurriedly, then stepped out. A couple of the guys had towels in their hands; I shrugged and smiled and let them towel me off. I combed my hair straight; it was still wet. I then hurried outside and got my shoes and socks back on. Roger was waiting outside; he walked to the high school with me.
    "Do you mind... this morning?" he asked me anxiously.
    I tried to look ...
    ... serious, but then giggled. "It was very exciting!" I told him. "Some of it was more adventurous than I might have done voluntarily. And I'm a little sore now! But it was a lot of fun overall," I reassured him. "Um... do I have any bruises or anything?"
    "Not at all," he said, looking me over. "Are you sure it was okay?"
    I smiled at him. "I'm sure! I had a great time," I told him. "But it's sweet of you to ask. Thanks, Roger!"
    "You're so pretty, so nice and such a great sport about everything. Thanks for all of that!" He smiled at me.
    He had to go one way and I had to go the other. I gave him a warm hug, then walked up toward the high school. Several other kids saw me and came toward me, grinning. I was bare naked except for shoes and socks, of course, but not all that embarrassed about it, especially not after all that had happened that morning.
    "Hi!" I said, smiling at them.
    "Hi, Karen!" one of the guys said, and a few others joined in.
    "You look more comfortable with not having clothing than you have the rest of the week," one of the girls observed.
    "It's my last day!" I said. "I'm going to try to relax and enjoy it today, as much as I can! That's why I didn't even wear clothes to school this morning."
    "I noticed that," another guy said. "Nice touch, Karen!"
    "Thanks!" I giggled. "I'm glad you like it this way!"
    Since school had been delayed, my first class on Friday was gym. We were going to be in the pool again. I hurried down to the guy's locker ...