1. Gute Freunde teilen alles

    Datum: 06.10.2023, Kategorien: Voyeurismus / Exhibitionismus Autor: Anonym

    ... cock." Kathy shuddered slightly when she
    mentioned the cock. She continued, "This last guy wanted me
    to go up to his room here. If you hadn't cut in he may have
    had his way with me, I'm so hot."
    Before I could say anything, Stan was tapping my
    shoulder and telling me that the group was heading to the
    house. Kathy and I followed him outside where we met Jim and
    Dave. We climbed into the car and headed for Stan's. On the
    way we chatted about the weather and other trivial matters.
    Kathy seem to calm down a bit. Jim and Dave were behaving
    themselves. We were the last ones to arrive. Everyone seemed
    anxious to see Kathy again. She had lost all of her shyness
    and didn't seem phased that she was the only woman. I watch-
    ed, with humor, the faces of my buddies as we walked up the
    driveway. Kathy was out strutting in front of us walking as
    if she was advertising her body.
    When we had entered and sat down, Stan pulled me to
    the side. He told me that he was running low on beer and
    asked if I could go get some. I said sure without thinking.
    I headed out into the night air and got into the car and
    headed for the nearest store about half an hour away. It
    suddenly dawned on me that I shouldn't leave Kathy alone in
    her present state. I wouldn't put it past my friends to take
    advantage of my wife. I circled the block and headed back to
    the house. I parked down the block and walked through the
    side yard and entered ...
    ... through the kitchen door. I heard
    music coming from the main room where the part y was under-
    way. I peaked through the door from the kitchen to the main
    room. There was Kathy in the arms of Stan dancing to the
    slow number. It occurred to me that, with the music in
    Stan's control, all the songs would be slow.
    Suddenly, I had to duck into the pantry when I heard
    someone coming. I was trapped. I hoped nobody would need
    anything in the pantry. I looked around and notice at least
    ten cases of beer. It appeared as though they sent me on a
    phony errand to get me away from Kathy. I overheard Tom and
    Jim talking in the kitchen. Tom said, "Can you believe that
    a fox like Kathy married him?" Jim answered, "I can't figure
    it. I can't believe he can handle a hot fire cracker like
    her." Tom continued, "Well now that Stan's got rid of hubby,
    I figure she'll be begging for a cock in about ten minutes."
    Jim said, "It will take Billy an hour to get back. By then
    Kathy will be so hot for cock that she'll ignore her
    husband." Tom asked, "Did she rub you while dancing tonight?
    Jim replied, "Yea! First she kept pushing those big tits
    into my chest and then latter she grabbed my cock. I almost
    fucked her on the spot."
    I found it hard to believe that my new bride would
    actually cheat on me. But, when I heard Jim say that she
    grabbed his cock I knew that it was a possibility. I had
    thought that it was the guys that I had to worry ...