1. Karen Naked in school (Part 4)

    Datum: 24.02.2019, Kategorien: Schamsituation Autor: Anonym

    ... did, right?" I teased them.
    "Want to come over to my place and spend the weekend as our slave?" Jeff asked me.
    "Strangely, it's not the first offer like that I've had," I said. I blushed a little. "I'm not sure about this weekend," I said. "But... I... I might enjoy taking you up on it some weekend." I looked at them timidly.
    "That would be wonderful!" Rick said eagerly. "Will you really?"
    "I might," I nodded. "If you'd like me to. But please don't let it get around, okay?"
    They agreed they would not.
    We'd finished eating, and went for a walk in the hallway.
    "Is your other promise to us still good?" Jeff asked me.
    "I guess. What one?" I asked him, blushing.
    "About getting a feel any time we want?"
    I blushed, but put my hands behind my head and stood facing him. "I promised," I affirmed.
    Jeff chuckled, and reached for my chest. Rick stroked my behind at the same time.
    "Hey, I had a question for you," I suddenly remembered. "What happened to all the girl's clothes? My shoes and socks are in there!"
    "You have to go back to the biology classroom to get them," Jeff told me. "The janitors were a little late bringing them back. Six of the girls didn't get theirs before they had to go to their next class, and had to leave, naked!"
    I giggled. "How shocking."
    "There are quite a few girls running around with no clothes now," Rick observed.
    "Yeah," I nodded. "I've noticed that. All the teachers seem to be taking away clothes from girls, ...
    ... or even from the guys." I told them about the naked gym class I'd had.
    "We'd better let you pick up your shoes and socks before your next class," Jeff said reluctantly. They walked with me back to the biology room, and watched me put my shoes and socks on.
    "ATTENTION!" The announcement came out over the intercom. "All students should report to the assembly room instead of their regularly scheduled class. Repeat, all students should report to the assembly room instead of their next class."
    "I guess we'll get to see how many girls there are who are naked!" Rick grinned.
    The three of us went to the assembly room together. I was directed to go up on the stage. The guys left me to take seats. All of us were given a yearbook-style book. As I looked at it, I gulped; it was Harold's photography of me and other girls who'd been required to strip. I was prominently featured on the cover, sliding my pants down and otherwise naked, smiling timidly at the camera!
    There were several girls on the stage already... all of them naked or wearing just shoes and socks. Within the next few minutes, another couple of dozen girls went up on the stage, all naked. I saw some of the cheerleaders go up by the stage, strip and leave their clothes in the front row, then come up to join us.
    It was embarrassing standing naked on the stage in front of the whole school, but I was getting pretty used to embarrassing situations. Also, there was plenty of company; there were about 30 girls up ...