1. Karen Naked in school (Part 4)

    Datum: 24.02.2019, Kategorien: Schamsituation Autor: Anonym

    ... there with me, and all of them were wearing shoes and socks like me, or nothing at all. I saw that a lot of them were a lot more uncomfortable than I was.
    I was looking forward to being done with school for the week. I'd finally get to put on some clothes, which would be very nice! Once I got home... I remembered I'd come to school naked. I giggled a little. It would be soon enough.
    I thought about what was going to happen next with my life. I could still come to school naked, if I wanted to. I giggled at the thought. It might not be too bad if I could get dressed again whenever I wanted. I could go naked any time I wanted, anywhere at all.
    I also thought about sex. I'd definitely had a wild, exciting day sexually, starting at Roger's house in the morning, and including gym class and biology class. A lot of it hadn't exactly been consensual. But I had to admit, I'd enjoyed it just as much as if it had been, and I suspected when I had time to think about it, I'd be admitting to myself I'd enjoyed it more. The thoughts of kneeling naked at Fred's door and begging for him to do what he wanted, or spending a weekend as a slave for Jeff and Rick, were terrifying in a way. And if I could only get up the nerve, I knew I'd do them both.
    The assembly finally got started. Mr. Harrison, the principal, started out by dryly explaining the changes in school policies. He started out by outlining that all girl's athletics would be performed in the nude; this drew ...
    ... applause.
    Then he brought the cheerleaders to the front of the stage, all of them naked, and explained they would perform their duties in the nude as well. This drew more applause.
    He went on to introduce the 10 of us girls who had been required to attend classes naked for the week, and again, the students applauded and cheered. He explained about us being required to remain naked in school for the whole week, and commended each of us for making it through the week.
    Then he introduced a few other girls, such as Melissa and Gloria from my gym class, who had been required to go without clothing for various reasons. The freshman girl who'd been taken to the hospital on Monday was also introduced in this group. There were 7 girls in this group. They were very nervous, even more so than the rest of us. "These young ladies, we have decided, need a little more practice," Mr. Harrison told the assembly. "We've decided they will all be required to attend school without clothing through next week, then we will review their progress and make any additional determinations at that time."
    There was a big cheer from most of the students when he said that. The seven girls looked pretty dismayed, though, I noticed.
    He smiled and went on. "We'll also be meeting with their parents, to recommend to them that each of these young ladies be encouraged to spend time outside of school without clothing, and in sexual situations. We're sending out a newsletter to the homes of all of the students to ...