1. Karen Naked in school (Part 4)

    Datum: 24.02.2019, Kategorien: Schamsituation Autor: Anonym

    ... provide recommendations along these lines."
    There was a short break. "If you young ladies could please remove your shoes, socks, and other items you still may be wearing, we'd appreciate it very much," the assistant principal said, smiling.
    I complied, leaving my shoes and socks at the back of the stage, and so did the others who were wearing shoes and socks.
    "The second half of our assembly today is for Miss Nude Central High," Mr. Harrison announced. "If any of the other young ladies would like to join and participate, you may feel free to join these contestants at this time by removing your clothes and coming up onto the stage."
    "The prizes are as follows," he said. "The third place contestant will be given a 1 year $1000 scholarship and a free weekend for herself and three friends at a hotel anywhere in the state. The runner-up will be given a 4 year, $500 per year scholarship, a free weekend at a hotel anywhere in the state for herself and three friends, and limousine service for that weekend. The winner will receive a $2500 per year scholarship for 4 years, and a weeklong trip to any destination in the state with free hotel and limousine transportation. All of the finalists will receive some other minor items such as gift certificates from local stores."
    A couple of girls volunteered; they giggled and stripped and hurried toward the stage.
    "We will first narrow down the field to 10 semi-finalists," he went on. "Contestants, please stand at the edge of ...
    ... the stage so the student body can judge you."
    We all had to pose in front of the students, who had been given forms; they were to select the 10 girls they wanted to see as finalists. The judging was done speedily; the whole process took only a few minutes.
    Mr. Harrison stepped up to the podium again, and we moved to the back of the stage. He called out the names of the 10 finalists, who had to come back out on the stage. I was one of the finalists.
    "The rest of you ladies can get dressed if you wish and if you have clothes available, and then find seats," he told them. "Thank you for participating!"
    Some of the finalists complained under their breaths. Melissa from my morning gym class was unhappy to still have to be standing naked in front of everyone. The freshman girl was teary-eyed. Gloria was giggling, uncomfortable but making the best of her experience. I was trying to be like that as well. One of the girls was jumping up and down with excitement. I had to admire her spirit.
    Mr. Harrison then had each of us stand in front of the podium for a minute while he pointed out various virtues to be considered for each of the girls. About me, he said:
    "Miss Wagner has the nicest breasts among the finalists," he said of me. "She's got a pretty, attractive blush, and fine, long blonde hair. She's been making an exceptional effort all week, which should be considered. She spent an hour after school posing unclothed for photographer Harold Hinnis. She has also been ...