1. Karen Naked in school (Part 4)

    Datum: 24.02.2019, Kategorien: Schamsituation Autor: Anonym

    ... up your clothes from me at the end of the day, Miss Horton. You are not allowed to cover any of yourself from view for the rest of the day, and must consider yourself on display for anyone so desiring. You're allowed two breaks to go to the bathroom, for no more than 5 minutes each. You may be required by teachers to participate in classroom lessons, as directed by the teacher."
    The class cheered again. She was subject to the same rules as me, I noticed. The boys let her go, and she quickly dove into the water.
    "Mr. Roquette?" a girl asked. She was Gloria Matthews, treasurer of the student council.
    "Yes, Miss Matthews?"
    "Shouldn't you be naked, too?" she wanted to know.
    I giggled, so did most of the girls.
    "Sure," he said casually, and removed his swimsuit. He smiled at us, not at all uncomfortable with being naked.
    "You may have noticed some changes around school recently," he began. The class laughed.
    "We're encouraging students to be more carefree about their bodies. We're selectively picking a few female students and requiring them to attend classes in the nude, and this is something we'll continue to do throughout the year. Miss Wagner --" He nodded to me, and I blushed as everyone looked at me. "-- was one of the first of these, but all of you young ladies will be doing the same thing eventually.
    "Girl's athletic events are all conducted in the nude this year. Cheerleaders at tonight's football game will perform without clothing as ...
    ... well.
    "Ladies are not required to wear anything at all, either in school or outside of it, according to a recently enacted law. How many of you have taken advantage of that, other than as required?"
    A few girls raised their hands, including me.
    "I've been running in the nude down country roads," one girl admitted.
    "My mother and I went shopping in the nude. We got a 20% discount on everything we bought, 10% for each of us," Gloria Matthews related. "It was kind of fun!"
    "The manager at the restaurant where I work offered double pay for any girls who would wait tables naked. I didn't do it, but the two girls who did were getting great tips. I might try it this weekend," another girl said shyly.
    Mr. Roquette nodded cheerfully. "This class is called 'gym', but it's real name is 'physical education'," he went on. "We teach you about sports, and athletics, and getting your body to perform. But we also want to teach you to be comfortable with yourselves, and with other people. Gym class is going to be clothing-optional for the rest of the year. Fridays are going to be mandatory nude days, though. And we're going to quit designating locker rooms as 'male' and 'female'. You can all freely go in either one, and you will all be expected to be friendly and cooperative with people of the opposite sex who are using the locker room you're in."
    That was going to be interesting, I thought.
    "For today, we're going to have a sort of casual day in the pool. You all have to stay in ...