1. Karen Naked in school (Part 4)

    Datum: 24.02.2019, Kategorien: Schamsituation Autor: Anonym

    ... the pool. We won't have any specific lessons. Instead, you're all invited and encouraged to explore each other's bodies in any way you like. Please cooperate with your classmates, and please feel free to expect them to cooperate with you as well."
    "Hi, baby," I heard from behind me. It was Scott. I'd dated him for a little while earlier in the year, but he was a little pushy and it hadn't lasted long. "Put your hands on top of your head for me, will you?"
    "Uh, Hi, Scott." I blushed a little, but did as he directed me. He smiled and put both hands on my chest, feeling my breasts. "Remember when I wanted you to do that a couple of months ago, and you wouldn't?" he reminded me, grinning. "You've come a long way since then."
    "I guess so." He made me feel pretty uncomfortable.
    "Look right into my eyes," he said. I obeyed, blushing. He grinned, stroking my chest firmly.
    "You're reacting," he observed. "See? You should have taken off your clothes and let me do it to you in August. It feels pretty good, doesn't it?"
    "Hey, Steve!" It was one of the girls. "Move your feet apart so I can feel between your legs."
    I giggled as he complied, then she reached from behind and squeezed his balls. He yelped and let go of me, and wildly reached down to grab her hand.
    WHEET! Mr. Roquette blew his whistle, and we all looked at him. He pointed to Steve and the girl. "No interfering with her examination, Mr. Davidson," he said sternly.
    The girl giggled, and Steve nodded ...
    ... sheepishly. He put his hands on his head and she resumed squeezing his balls, making him cringe and gasp. I took the opportunity to escape; I dove underwater and came up next to another guy who was feeling up a different girl. Gloria Matthews was the victim this time. The guy was named Dennis McFarlane.
    I giggled. "Spread 'em, Mister, and lean forward."
    "Thanks!" Gloria said, stepping away but watching.
    Dennis moved his legs apart and leaned forward nervously. "W-what are you going to do?" he asked.
    "Put your hands on the side and move your legs back as far as you can without falling," I told him.
    He did so. Gloria giggled.
    I moved in behind him, forcing his legs a little wider apart, then slid my middle finger into his anus and wiggled it around. He gasped and lurched, and I slid my finger out, then pushed it in again. I did it a few more times, then left him there, rinsing my finger off in the water.
    Gloria grinned. "Nice job! He was hurting me, pinching my nipples so hard." We both glanced over at him. He was standing against the side of the pool, and his erection was visible above the surface of the water.
    "Hi, ladies," a guy said, putting his arm around me. He had the other around Gloria. It was one of the guys who'd helped undress me outside a couple of days before.
    "Hi, Roland," Gloria said with a nervous smile. "Which of us did you want?"
    He shrugged and put a hand on each of our chests. "Why not both?" he asked, stroking us casually. "Hey, ...