1. Karen Naked in school (Part 4)

    Datum: 24.02.2019, Kategorien: Schamsituation Autor: Anonym

    ... Mr. Roquette! Is it all right if I examine these two girls together for a little while?"
    "That's fine," Mr. Roquette nodded. "We only have about 20 minutes left before we hit the showers, though."
    Roland grinned. "Thanks!" He looked at each of us. "Two pretty girls. Hmm. I'd like to see you rub against each other and kiss each other, please."
    We both blushed really hard. I'd never even considered such a thing! Apparently, neither had Gloria.
    "Rub your nipples together first," Roland said.
    We both knew we had to do it. We looked miserably at each other, but put our hands on each other's shoulders and moved our chests until we were touching each other. We rubbed against each other, very lightly.
    "Now a hot kiss," he said, grinning.
    Again, we had to. Gloria told me later she was conscious of what had happened with Melanie. I was afraid there might be other punishments for uncooperative students, especially the girls. We pulled together, and kissed on the lips.
    "Keep doing it, and rub your chests together, and feel each other's behinds," Roger ordered.
    "Be really friendly with each other."
    We did it. I blushed hotly; it felt good, and my body was responding. So was Gloria's; she moaned and pushed against me eagerly, and we rubbed against each other.
    WHEET! "Time for showers," Mr. Roquette announced. Gloria and I looked at one another and sheepishly started to pull waay from each other, suddenly conscious that the whole class were watching ...
    ... us.
    I felt a yank of my hair.
    "Owww!" Gloria protested.
    "See you later, ladies," Roland said, and left us. Our hair was knotted together!
    "Come back here!" I yelled desperately.
    "What's the problem?" Mr. Roquette asked. "Oh. Now I see. Your hair is tied together, isn't it?"
    "Can you help us?" Gloria pleaded with him.
    "I can try. Stay still." He took a few minutes to do it, but finally unknotted our hair, allowing us to get apart from each other.
    "Thanks!" we both said.
    "Better hurry," he advised us. "You need showers. You'll both have to go to class naked if you don't have time to get dressed."
    That was no big deal for me, but Gloria dashed into the girl's locker room. I went into the guy's locker room and took a shower. I giggled; there weren't as many guys as usual, and there were a few girls, pulling their clothes out of a big rolling basket and getting dressed.
    The bell rang; we had 10 minutes to get to our next class. I found my shoes and socks and put them on.
    "Have you seen my clothes in here?" Gloria asked desperately, running into the guy's locker room wrapped in a towel. "Hey! That's my bra!"
    "We haven't got time to be picky!" the girl who had her bra protested. "Just find something to wear. Do you want to go to classes naked?" She pulled on a shirt, then hurried out of the locker room.
    Gloria looked in the basket; there was little left. She pulled out a bra that was too small for her, and a pair of shorts that were way too big. ...