1. Karen Naked in school (Part 4)

    Datum: 24.02.2019, Kategorien: Schamsituation Autor: Anonym

    ... "The guys must have stolen some of the clothes," she said, swallowing.
    One of the guys, just getting dressed, nodded. "Some of the girls' clothes got locked in lockers," he said.
    The 5 minute bell rang. Mr. Roquette came through. "Off to class, everyone!" he said.
    "There's no more time for getting dressed, Miss Matthews. I'm sorry about that. Leave the towel."
    "You'll live, Gloria," I told her encouragingly, as she looked dismayed. She left her towel on the bench, and had to step out of the locker room, wearing nothing at all. Melissa came out, too, at the last possible minute, also naked, of course. I was the most dressed of the three of us. I had my shoes and socks.
    We walked together down the hallway. We got to Gloria's classroom first, then mine. "See you later, Melanie!" I said, smiling at her. "Just... take it easy and enjoy it as much as you can," I advised her.
    "Thanks," she gulped. I heard cheering and applause as she went into her class.
    I got to biology just as the bell rang. I kicked my shoes and socks off by the door, and took my seat in front of the class. Miss Hooker was over by her desk. She went over to the door and pressed a button, then went back to her desk and began taking off her clothes.
    "Are you teaching in the nude again today?" one of the boys asked her cheerfully.
    She nodded, blushing, but then smiled. "I'd like to ask all the girls to remove their clothing at this time, please, and put it in this box."
    I looked at ...
    ... her, surprised. Two classes in a row... but this time, just the girls.
    "Never mind trying to leave, ladies," Miss Hooker said, smiling, standing in her bra and panties. "The door is locked from the inside until the bell rings." She continued to undress, and put her clothes in the box she'd designated.
    I watched, amused, as the other girls slowly complied.
    "The last one to have her clothes off and in the box will get a special place in today's lesson,"
    Miss Hooker said, as only a few girls had gotten more than their shoes off. "I suggest you move along, ladies."
    Several of the girls looked around, and they began hurrying, noticing they were lagging behind other girls. One boldly came up and dropped her clothes in the box, smiling at me and at Miss Hooker. Then a couple more girls came up together and nervously put their clothes in.
    "You want us to take off everything?" one girl asked, just starting to slide her pants down.
    "EVERYthing," Miss Hooker nodded. "Just like Karen and I."
    I noticed my shoes over by the door, and went to put them in the box.
    Finally, all the girls were naked, and the last one had put her clothes in the box.
    "Oh, no, I'm last!" she said, swallowing hard.
    Miss Hooker smiled. "That's right, Maggie. Please go pick one of the guys to work with." She picked up the box full of clothes, and took it over by the door, then knocked. A couple of guys came in, looked around the room, smiling, and then left with the box.
    Maggie ...