1. Auch ein Dorfpolizist kann mal Glück haben

    Datum: 05.03.2020, Kategorien: BDSM Autor: Anonym

    It was a hot spring night, I was on routine patrol, and
    being relatively new to the job, I guess I was still
    pretty green. I was working my way back to town when a
    beat up Chevy flew past me. I thought I recognized the
    car as I took off after it. I caught up to it and hit the
    lights. I was surprised when it quickly pulled over. It
    was Derek Smothers car all right. He was a local bad ass,
    or so he thought.
    "Derek would never just pull over, without a little chase
    first," I thought.
    Just in case I unclipped my gun as I approached the car.
    I used my flashlight to light up it's interior. I
    tapped on the passenger side window, watching as the
    passenger rolled it down.
    "Keep your hands were it can see them," I commanded.
    Taking a quick look around the car the four passengers
    complied with my order, there were two in the front and
    two in the back and the other thing they had in common
    was their sex, they were all women. Feeling a slight
    sense of relief, I used my flashlight to light up the
    driver's face.
    "Miss would you turn on the interior light?" I asked.
    I recognizing the driver, she was Amanda Smothers,
    Derek's sister, her family was also well known around
    town, they were always up to no good.
    Using my flashlight I lit up the passenger in front of
    "Ah, the lovely Angel Harding," I thought to myself,
    "what a piece of work she was," as I Shifted my
    flashlight to the back seat. I light up ...
    ... the two back seat
    passengers, they were good looking young women, but I did
    not recognize them. I turned my attention back to the
    "Amanda, are we in a hurry tonight?" I asked.
    As I listened to her half ass excuse, I used the
    opportunity to check her out since I had not seen her in
    awhile. Amanda has the classic girl next-door looks,
    although she didn't act that way, I mean she's cute, but
    not shockingly so. She had light brown hair that was
    clipped back off her face.
    She was wearing a tight sky blue tee shirt that hugged
    her body, making it very obvious to me that she wasn't
    wearing a bra and a short white skirt and tennis shoes.
    "Amanda, isn't this your brothers car?" I asked already
    knowing the answer.
    "Yah," she said, looking at me, while batting her pretty
    green eyes.
    "And does he know you have it tonight?" I asked.
    After waiting a minute or so for an answer, I added. "I
    mean he gave you permission to use it, I mean if I give
    him a call and ask?"
    "Please don't," she pleaded, as more cries of leniency
    came from the back seat, which answered my question.
    "Quiet," I barked, trying to regain control of the
    "I'm going to need to see all of your licenses; just so I
    know whom I'm dealing with," I barked.
    Watching the girl's fumble for their licenses, I flashed
    my light at Angel Harding's license, she was 21 years old
    or so her license said.
    "21, Angel c'mon you can't be ...