1. Auch ein Dorfpolizist kann mal Glück haben

    Datum: 05.03.2020, Kategorien: BDSM Autor: Anonym

    ... to Kim's story, as
    she was screaming at Farra, quickly joined in.
    "She was blowing them you fucking pervert," she screamed.
    Amanda, Chipped in with, "And one of them was Angel's
    date and one of them was my brother and one of his
    I was looking at Farra, who had a sly grin on her face,
    when she added.
    "Angel's just mad because I got to them first, plus there
    was three of them, you know how convincing Derek can be,
    what else was I going to do?"
    Angle quickly jumped in, "Well it looked like you were
    enjoying it to me," followed by a stream of obscenities
    that Farra was quickly returning.
    "Ok," I announced, starting to lose my cool, and before a
    catfight breaks out,
    "Looks like I'm going to have to call my dad out here to
    lend me a hand."
    "Call your fucking daddy!" Angel screamed.
    "Wait," Amanda screamed louder, as I took out my radio.
    "Please don't call the Sheriff," Amanda pleaded, "we'll
    Angel looked at me and then back at Amanda.
    "His dad is the fucking sheriff," Angel gasped.
    "Please Deputy, we will be good," Amanda broke in.
    "Are we going to be good?" I said while pointing the
    flashlight in Angel's face, enjoying my newly acquired
    power. She just nodded.
    "And no more fighting." I said, now lighting up Farra's
    "Yes we will behave, just, what do you want us to do?"
    Farra added her voice trailing off.
    Angel spun around quickly flashing Farra a look ...
    ... that
    could kill, at least I think she did.
    Amanda whispered something into Angel's ear that seemed
    to calm her down. After a brief pause to let the girls
    settle down. I had turned my flashlight to the ceiling
    over Angel's head. She was now sitting back against her
    seat and from my place out side of the car I was looking
    in the window, my head resting against the top edge of
    the cars roof.
    I didn't know what was going to happen next, but I could
    not help but notice Angel's ample cleavage, heaving just
    a foot away from me. She must have noticed my stare,
    because she gave me the dirties of looks. I just smiled
    back at her as I directed my flashlight directly at her
    chest. She looked around the car and it seemed like
    everyone was waiting for her to do or say something.
    In a huff, Angel reached up and pulled her Harley shirt
    down, causing her bra-less, torpedoed like breasts, with
    huge brown nipples, to spring out.
    "Is this what you where waiting for, huh, you want a
    little show?" she hissed.
    After taking my time, enjoying the fact that I'm probably
    the last person in the world she wanted to show her tits
    too. She looked at me waiting for my answer.
    "They're nice, a little big for my taste, but nice," I
    said with a wide grin, which seemed to piss her off. I
    then reached down a began massaging them, which really
    pissed her off.
    "Mine are a little smaller and more natural looking,"
    Farra oozed, from the ...